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Chapter 1

  1. Mikimbri: Mikimbri is another cosmic being and a member of the Creators family. Unlike Zelleos, Mikimbri is characterized by a sense of restlessness and boredom. Mikimbri desires a more active and immersive experience within the created planes of existence, seeking to be a part of what is happening rather than merely observing.

Zellios & Mikimbri

Creator children 

  1. Mother: Mother is Nios' mother and a prominent figure within the End-Time Cult. She is the leader of the cult and strongly believes in their practices and rituals. Mother is persuasive and tries to convince Nios that their way of life is not a cult but a meaningful existence.

June Dawn / Mother


  1. Steven: Steven is a World Walker or a warlock who observes the events unfolding in the Red Dawn Manor. He possesses magical abilities and appears to have knowledge about the impending danger caused by Nepsis and the End-Time Cult. Steven is enigmatic and confident, willing to intervene to protect Nios and challenge the cult members.


World Walker

  1. Zelleos: Zelleos is one of the cosmic beings known as the Creators. As a member of the family of Creators, Zelleos holds a position of leadership and authority. Zelleos is rational and logical, emphasizing the importance of their role as creators and dismissing the idea of seeking more excitement or involvement in the events of other planes of existence.


Creator children 

  1. End Time Cult Members: These members are followers of Mother and participants in the end time cult's rituals. They are loyal to the cult and carry out its instructions. They become divided in their loyalty when Nios tries to escape, with one member willing to help her and the other member being more devoted to the cult's cause.

End Time Cult 


  1. Noble: Noble is a technological genius and inventor. He is resourceful and determined to uncover the mysteries surrounding the alien ship and the armor. He is curious, intelligent, and persistent in his pursuit of knowledge. Noble is depicted as confident in his abilities and eager to be the first to explore and understand the unknown. He is quick-thinking and adaptive, using his gadgets and inventions to aid him in his mission.



Jason Adam: Jason is an ordinary person who becomes unexpectedly involved in an alien encounter. He initially experiences confusion and disbelief but eventually embraces his role as a chosen warrior. He displays courage and resilience as he grapples with his newfound powers and the responsibilities thrust upon him. Jason is depicted as an empathetic and compassionate individual, as shown by his concern for his family and his willingness to help others. He undergoes a transformation both physically and mentally, gaining knowledge and abilities that he didn't possess before. 

Jason Adem


  1. The Sirpax: The Sirpax are an advanced alien civilization from across the galaxy. They possess the ability to scan and manipulate individuals, as well as provide them with powerful battle armor. They have chosen Earth and its inhabitants as potential warriors in an upcoming war. The Sirpax are depicted as being technologically advanced and having a specific agenda. They communicate telepathically and use their superior technology to control and influence others.

The SirPax`

Advanced Alien Civilization

  1. Alien Ship: The alien ship is a gigantic spaceship that hovers above Earth. It emits colorful lights and possesses advanced scanning capabilities. It is capable of communicating with individuals through telepathy and is responsible for selecting Jason as a test subject for the battle armor. The ship represents an advanced alien civilization with the ability to travel across the galaxy and recruit warriors for an impending conflict.


Alien Ship 

The SirPax



The UnderWorld


Creator Supreme 





Nios is an 18-year-old girl who lives in the Red Dawn Manor, also known as the Red Dawn Compound, with her mother and other followers of a group known as the End Time Cult. She is in a rush to leave the compound and escape the group, which she refers to as a cult, as she feels like she doesn't...

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