Mikimbri seems to be a cosmic being who is part of a family of creators. She appears to be bored with her current existence and is looking for a way to experience something new and exciting. Mikimbri is also determined to pursue her plans, even if they go against her father's wishes, and she seems to have a mischievous and rebellious streak. She is also clever and strategic, as evidenced by her plan to put a portion of reality into an eternal time loop for her own amusement. Overall, Mikimbri is a complex and intriguing character with a desire for adventure and a willingness to challenge the status quo.
Mikimbri's behavior suggests a certain impulsiveness and a willingness to take risks. They are willing to go against their father's orders and lock the door to carry out their plan, indicating a level of defiance and perhaps a desire to prove themselves. However, there is also a sense of insecurity and a need for validation, as they seek their brother Zelleos' approval and try to convince him of the merit of their plan.
Mikimbri's plan to create an eternal time loop and use "pawns" for their game of Zetsumetsu also reveals a potential lack of empathy and disregard for the well-being of others. They seem to view these beings as tools for their own amusement rather than as individuals with their own agency and value.
Overall, Mikimbri's behavior appears to be motivated by a combination of boredom, a desire for a more fulfilling experience, impulsiveness, a need for validation, and a lack of empathy. These flaws and insecurities may lead them to make decisions that have negative consequences for themselves and others.
Flaws, challenges, and insecurities that influence Nios' behaviors and actions
Impulsive: Mikimbri seems to act on her desires without thinking through the consequences or considering the opinions of others.
Restless: She is easily bored with the routine of cosmic creation and seeks a new experience.
Arrogant: Mikimbri believes that she and her family are above everything and everyone else and can do whatever they want.
Reckless: She is willing to take risks and disregard potential dangers in pursuit of her goals.
Monotony: Mikimbri struggles with the routine and repetition of cosmic creation.
Lack of purpose: She is searching for something to give her life meaning and fulfillment.
Authority figures: Mikimbri has to navigate the expectations and limitations set by her father and the other cosmic beings.
Limited control: She cannot fully control the outcomes of her actions and creations.
Boredom: Mikimbri is afraid of being stuck in a never-ending cycle of sameness.
Irrelevance: She fears being insignificant and forgotten in the vastness of the universe.
Powerlessness: Mikimbri may feel powerless in certain situations, leading her to act impulsively or recklessly to regain a sense of control.
Unfulfilled desires: She desires a more active and participatory role in the universe, leading her to take risks and make bold moves